Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Party

Our Independence Day celebration was a success! Friends, neighbors, and family members joined us on the front porch for an evening of fun and food (and quite a bit of beer).

[Click on images to enlarge them.]

Guests were invited to come in costume as their favorite signer of the Declaration of Independence or to otherwise represent someone from the revolutionary period. Here is Naomi as John Dickinson.
Ruth came as her ancestor, Judge Samuel Chase...
...and Connie represented her ancestor, Roger Sherman.
Donna brought a wealth of information about the Declaration signers, including her ancestors, Robert Treat Paine and Oliver Wolcott....
...which she shared with Joanie, who represented Julia Stockton, wife of Declaration signer Benjamin Rush.
Thomas Jefferson is sometimes credited with inventing macaroni and cheese, but it actually was just a favorite dish of his which he first sampled in France.
We served three versions of Jeffersonian Mac & Cheese, as well as John Adams' favorite drink, hard cider, and plenty of Samuel Adams' beer. Guests brought a variety of delicious potluck dishes to share. Gail and Dale brought the patriotic fruit pizza pictured at top of this blog post.
Ruth and Rob examine the properties of cheese.
Naomi baked a large Liberty Bell brownie...
...and Michelle arrived just in time to get one of the last pieces.

Babies and dogs joined the celebration, too.
Proclaim Liberty!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lot of fun! Wish I had been there to join in :) That fruit pizza looks delicious. Our neighbors gave us some blueberries that they picked and they are AMAZING! This year I learned all about that time in history and next year I'm taking government and economics.

    Love you lots!

