Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tim Cappello

Tim Cappello is a body-building saxophone player who became famous as the Greased-Up Sax Man in the 1987 movie, The Lost Boys. Early in the film, the protagonist attends a concert on the beach, where Tim plays and sings, "I Still Believe." 
As far as I'm concerned, Tim is the only reason to watch the movie more than once.
The scene does have its over-the-top aspects: smoke, chains, head-banging surfers, incessant gyrating, and of course, all that body oil.  It's been heavily-lampooned, most recently by Jon Hamm on Saturday Night Live, but I don't care, and I don't imagine that it bothers Tim much, either. 
Judge for yourself. Watch the YouTube video clip at:
From 1984-1999, Tim was featured in Tina Turner's band. In 1997, I had a chance to see him in the flesh, at a Tina Turner concert in Salt Lake City. I guess Tina was there somewhere on the stage, but I can't remember noticing anything about her.
And, here he is from the back.
What is it that attracts men to the leopard-skin loincloth? Here's Tim in the requisite caveman outfit.  You Tim.  Me Jane.

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